Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Policy (the "Policy") explains the way of treatment of the information which is provided or collected in the web sites on which this Policy is posted. In addition the Policy also explains the information which is provided or collected in the course of using the applications of the Company which exist in the websites or platforms of other company.

The Company is the controller of the information provided or collected in the websites on which this Policy is posted and in the course of using the applications of the Company which exist in the websites or platforms of other company.

Through this Policy, the Company regards personal information of the users as important and inform them of the purpose and method of Company's using the personal information provided by the users and the measures taken by the Company for protection of those personal information.

1. Information to be collected and method of collection

  • (1) Personal information items to be collected

    Personal information items to be collected by the Company are as follows:

    · Information provided by the users

    • The Company may collect the information directly provided by the users.
    • Title of service Items to be collected(examples)
      Internet Streaming service ∘ Name, email address, affiliation, national information.

    · Information collected while the users use services

    • Besides of information directly provided by the users, the Company may collect information in the course that the users use the service provided by the Company.
    • Lists Items to be collected(examples)
      Equipment information ∘ Equipment identifier, operation system, hardware version, equipment set-up, type and set-up of browser, use information of website or application and telephone number
      Log information ∘ IP address, log data, use time, search word input by users, internet protocol address, cookie and web beacon
      Location information ∘ Information of device location including specific geographical location detected through GPS , Bluetooth or Wifi (limited to the region permissible under the laws)

  • (2) Method of collection
  • The Company collects the information of users in a way of the followings:

    • · webpage

    2. Use of collected information

    • The Company uses the collected information of users for the following purposes:

      • · To provide information on promotional events as well as opportunity to participate
      • · To comply with applicable laws or legal obligation
      • · Use of information with prior consent of the users (for example, utilization of marketing advertisement)

    3. Cookies, Beacons and Similar Technologies

    • The Company may collect collective and impersonal information through 'cookies' or 'web beacons'.

      Cookies are very small text files to be sent to the browser of the users by the server used for operation of the websites of the Company and will be stored in hard-disks of the users' computer.

      Web beacon is a small quantity of code which exists on the websites and e-mails. By using web beacons, we may know whether an user has interacted with certain webs or the contents of email.

      These functions are used for evaluating, improving services and setting-up users' experiences so that much improved services can be provided by the Company to the users

    • The items of cookies to be collected by the Company and the purpose of such collection are as follows:
      Category Reasons for using cookies and additional information
      strictly necessary cookies This cookie is a kind of indispensible cookie for the users to use the functions of website of the Company. This cookie does not collect any information which may be used for marketing or memorizing the sites visited by the users
      (Examples of necessary cookies)
      ∘ Check whether login is made on website
      ∘ Connect the users with certain application or server of the services
    • The users have an option for cookie installation. So, they may either allow all cookies by setting option in web browser, make each cookie checked whenever it is saved, or refuses all cookies to be saved: Provided that, if the user rejects the installation of cookies, it may be difficult for that user to use the parts of services provided by the Company.

4. User’s right

  • The users or their legal representatives, as main agents of the information, may exercise the following rights regarding the collection, use and sharing of personal information by the Company:
    • · exercise right to access to personal information;
    • · make corrections or deletion;
    • · make temporary suspension of treatment of personal information; or
    • · request the withdrawal of their consent provided before
  • If, in order to exercise the above rights, you, as an user, contact the Company by sending a document or e-mails, or using telephone to the company(or person in charge of management of personal information or a deputy), the Company will take measures without delay: Provided that the Company may reject the request of you only to the extent that there exists either proper cause as prescribed in the laws or equivalent cause.

5. Security

  • The Company regard the security of personal information of uses as very important. The company constructs the following security measures to protect the users' personal information from any unauthorized access, release, use or modification
    • · Encryption of personal information
      • - Transmit users' personal information by using encrypted communication zone
      • - Store important information such as passwords after encrypting it
    • · Countermeasures against hacking
      • - Install a system in the zone the external access to which is controlled so as to prevent leakage or damage of users' personal information by hacking or computer virus
    • · Establish and execute internal management plan
    • · Install and operate access control system
    • · Take measures to prevent forging or alteration of access record

6. Contact information of Company

  • Please use one of the following methods to contact the Company should you have any queries in respect to this policy or wish to update your information:
    • · Company name : MEDPLAN
    • · Address : 15, Hwagok-ro 68-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul
    • · Tel.: 02-333-1188
    • · E-mail:
  • (Add the following if designated of data protection officer) The Company designates the following Data Protection Officer (DPO) in order to protect personal information of customers and deal with complaints from customers.
    • · DPO of the Company: Jaehong Kim
    • · Address: 15, Hwagok-ro 68-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul
    • · Tel.: 02-333-1188
    • · E-mail: